Hollows Ginger Beer 500ML

- 0%
  • €35.00
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ABV 4%
Unlike other so-called ginger beers, Hollows is the real thing. Using only the finest Chinese ginger root they botanically brew Hollows Superior Alcoholic Ginger Beer. There's no wine, nuts, hops, malts or any other artificial nonsense. That's why they call it a Superior Ginger Beer.
The quality and superior taste of Hollows is attributed to the traditional slow fermentation and botanical brewing method. The unique process combines the finest hand-picked herbs, natural flavourings, sugar and brewer's yeast, and is then fermented for a two week period with Chinese root ginger and botanical ingredients. The process releases a deeper and more satisfying ginger flavour resulting in a pleasantly quaffable naturally cloudy real ginger beer, free from all artificial flavourings, colours and preservatives.

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